The material covered in this module is designed to help you get the most out of your Sail Canada (SC) Intermediate Cruising course. It also covers all of the knowledge requirements of SC’s Intermediate Cruising exam. Working through the online sessions in this module, combined with SC Intermediate Student Notes will prepare you to write and pass the Ashore Knowledge exam that is part of the SC Intermediate Cruising Standard.
The SC Intermediate Cruising Ashore Knowledge Module is organized in 6 sessions as follows:
- Session 1: Preparing for a cruise
- Session 2: Navigation and Weather
- Session 3: Boat Systems and related Operations and Safety
- Session 4: Seamanship, etiqutte, and legal matters
- LTCO Intermediate Cruising Practice Exam
- About the Sail Canada Intermediate Cruising Ashore Knowledge exam
- Instructor: Rob McLean